+263 77 468 9176 / +263 77 468 9258


Nothing is more important than your child's health and wellness, that is why we have a pediatric unit. Our pediatric specialists not only treat your precious little ones in times of emergency but they also help you with signs that you as a parent should watch for, advice, as well as recommendations.

Health tips and insights to help your child leave a healthier life such as;

  • Diet advice
  • Vaccines (Fridays from 9am to 1pm)
  • Growth and development issues
  • Common childhood disease
  • Inherited disorders and more

Our Pediatric Unit provides comprehensive health and medical care for children from birth through their late teens. We have special training to provide expert care to the child while working with the parents or family to address their concerns, problems, and to help them understand treatment options. This unit also gives advise to parents on children’s diet, exercise and disease preventive measures. Keep updated records of patients’ illnesses, surgeries or other medical episodes (allergic shocks, injuries etc.) Conduct regular thorough examinations on newborns and young children to check and record their health and normal physical development. Examine sick children to determine their condition and treatment.